Emotions impact everything that happens in our lives. Some emotions are big, and some are small. Becoming aware of how emotions impact our learning, decisions, relationships, and general well-being is important to our overall functioning. 

Staff Reflection

Reflective practice helps us find relevance and meaning in the videos by supporting us in making connections between educational experiences and real-life situations. We can use different ways to reflect– journaling, mental reflection, pair or trio share, or group report-out. Think through which approach fits best in the context of your group.

View “Infusing Emotional Intelligence into Out-of-School Time Reflections”

Think about a task you have encountered recently that you didn’t know how to address and how you responded creatively or may have responded creatively.

    1. What was the task or problem? 
    2. What were you feeling in the situation? 
    3. How did your emotions affect the situation? How did they influence your response? Impact the outcome?
    4. Did you approach or avoid the situation? Did you give up or keep trying? Why or why not?
    5. How can you leverage your emotions to be more creative?

Now think about the youth in your program. How do their emotions impact their creativity? It can be helpful to think about a specific youth or a specific activity when considering this.

View “Infusing Emotional Intelligence into Out-of-School Time Activities”.

Think about a time you tried to learn something new. 

    1. What were you trying to learn?
    2. What were you feeling in the situation? 
    3. How did your emotions affect your ability to pay attention and remember what you were learning?
    4. Were you able to stay focused? Did you give up or keep trying? Why do you think that was the case?
    5. How can you leverage your emotions to improve your attention, memory and learning?

Think about a specific youth in your program and a recent activity they were asked to complete. How did their emotions impact their attention, memory, and learning?

View “Infusing Emotional Intelligence into Out-of-School Time Activities”.

Think about how your emotions have impacted your mental or physical health and well-being. The impact could be direct or the result of your health-related behaviors or choices. 

    1. What area of your health and wellbeing has been impacted?
    2. What feelings contributed to the impact? 
    3. How did these emotions affect your behavior or choices?
    5. Has the impact on your wellbeing been positive or negative?
    6. How can you use your emotions to positively impact your health and wellness?

Now think about one youth in your program. How do their emotions impact their health and wellness?

View “Infusing Emotional Intelligence into Out-of-School Time Activities”

Think about a situation in which you needed to make a decision – it could be a big one,  like whether to take a new job or a small one, like what to have for dinner. 

  1. What did you have to decide? 
  2. Did you engage or avoid the decision?
  3. What were you feeling? 
  4. Did your emotions make the decision easier or harder? Why do you think that was the case? How did your emotions impact your decision?
  5. How can you use your emotions to make better decisions?

Think about a specific youth in your program. How do their emotions impact their decision making in your program?

View “Infusing Emotional Intelligence into Out-of-School Time Activities”.

Think about how your feelings might affect relationships with youth or with other staff in your program. Can you think of a situation when your emotions either improved or harmed a relationship? 

  1. What was the situation?
  2. What were you feeling?
  3. How did your emotions influence your relationship? Did they help?
  4. How can we use our emotions to be more effective in our relationships?

Now think about the youth in your program. How do their emotions impact their relationship with others?  It can be helpful to think about a specific youth relationship.

Staff Activities

Below are a list of activities you can engage in with your staff.

Resource Downloads

Here is a list of available documents to share or print out for this topic.

Deeper Dives

Want to learn more? Click on these links to other RULER Websites and Resources



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